construction site

Our view on construction’s Zero Diesel Sites Route Map

Novel HD battery services offer a viable alternative for off-grid sites

Transitioning to electric is one of the four building blocks in the Construction Leadership Council’s new Zero Diesel Sites Route Map which is currently out for consultation.

The CLC is right to identify electrification as one of the best ways to meet its commitment to eliminate 78% of diesel plant from construction sites by 2035.

But getting rid of diesel generators and cutting carbon means being able to get enough reliable renewable power at the right times and at the right capacities to power large quantities of battery electric vehicles and plant (BEV/P) – without causing scarce electricity generation to be transformed into unsustainable supply chain losses.

Biofuels and hydrogen do not achieve this. Both cause local air pollution if used in internal combustion engines. And in fuel cells, hydrogen has a very poor round trip efficiency. It is far better to access electricity directly.

Innovative HD solutions are now making batteries a real off-grid alternative. Portacell’s advanced units and Power-as-a-Service model is challenging the accepted wisdom that high-capacity batteries need downtime and access to the grid for re-charging.

Our 3.1MW HD units are shipped fully charged with enough REGO-certified renewable electricity to power a typical larger construction site for up to five days. They’re seamlessly replaced as often as necessary by us with no supply interruption – guaranteed. There are no zero emissions and zero carbon at any point in the supply chain from source to site. Even our delivery trucks are net zero.

Comment on the CLC’s route map here.

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